Stomach Balloon

mide balonu uygulaması

Gastric balloonis an effective and minimally invasive medical method used to support the weight loss process. This procedure is a popular option for individuals struggling with overweight and obesity. Gastric balloonis a soft, inflatable appliance that is inserted into the stomach through an endoscopic procedure. The balloon reduces the volume of the stomach, providing a faster feeling of fullness and thus helping to reduce the amount of food eaten.

Usually, this method is used in combination with diet and exercise and supports the individual to achieve their long-term weight loss goals. Insertion of a gastric balloon is usually a short procedure that does not require hospitalization and in most cases, removal is planned after 6 months.

This method can be preferred as an alternative to weight loss surgeries and is especially suitable for individuals who cannot get sufficient results with diet and exercise.

Who is it suitable for?

Gastric balloonThe procedure can be an ideal solution, especially for individuals who meet certain health criteria and have not achieved successful results with traditional weight loss methods. In general, this procedure is recommended for people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 30 and 40 who are overweight, which can lead to serious health problems.

Gastric balloonIt also offers a suitable alternative for patients who do not want to take the risk of surgery or are not suitable for a surgical procedure. Factors such as the patient's general health status, failure of previous weight loss attempts and motivation are evaluated for the feasibility of gastric balloon treatment.

This method is designed to help patients change their eating habits and lifestyle. An important point is that the gastric balloon is just a tool and healthy eating habits and regular exercise are critical for permanent weight control. Hence, gastric balloon applicationThe treatment should be tailored to individual health conditions and requires a comprehensive assessment and follow-up process for each patient.

Non-Surgical Stomach Reduction Method

Non-surgical stomach reductionis an innovative and minimally invasive approach offered by modern medicine to facilitate the weight loss process. It is an alternative that does not require surgical intervention and therefore carries less risk and often offers a faster recovery. Non-surgical stomach reduction The most popular method is the gastric balloon procedure.

This procedure involves the use of a balloon that is inserted into the stomach through an endoscopic method and then inflated. Gastric balloonIt provides a faster feeling of satiety by physically shrinking the volume of the stomach, thus helping the person to reduce the amount of food eaten.

Non-surgical stomach reduction must usually be supported by diet and exercise and requires the patient to make permanent changes to their lifestyle. These methods are customized according to the individual's health status, weight loss goals and lifestyle and often require a multidisciplinary approach. Non-surgical stomach reduction procedures can be an important step in the weight loss journey, and specialized physicians help determine the most appropriate method based on each patient's needs.

How is Gastric Balloon Procedure Performed?

Gastric balloon applicationis a minimally invasive and usually painless procedure that plays an important role in the weight loss process. The procedure is performed using an endoscopic technique, usually under sedation. This is a method in which a tube is inserted through the patient's mouth and reaches the stomach.

Gastric balloonis inserted into the stomach in its solid state and then inflated with a sterile solution or air. This process usually takes 15 to 20 minutes and the balloon is adjusted so that it occupies enough volume in the patient's stomach. Inflating the balloon reduces the stomach capacity to help the patient eat less and therefore lose weight.

After the procedure, patients can usually return to their normal activities on the same day. The gastric balloon is usually left in the stomach for a period of six months to one year, after which it must be removed. During this time, patients are advised to meet regularly with dietitians and doctors and receive advice on healthy eating habits and exercise programs. Gastric balloon placement is a step that will help the patient make permanent changes to their lifestyle and achieve their healthy weight loss goals.

At the same time stomach balloonIt can also be preferred to help reduce surgical risks by slimming patients before bariatric surgery.

In our clinic, we provide dietitian support for 6 months free of charge after gastric balloon application.

What are the Advantages of Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloonhas many advantages as an effective method used in the fight against overweight and obesity. One of the biggest advantages of this treatment is that it is a non-surgical procedure. It carries less risk compared to a surgical procedure. stomach balloonusually offers a quick and easy recovery process. This allows patients to return to their daily lives in a short time.

Gastric balloonBy reducing the volume of the stomach, it creates a feeling of satiety faster, which helps patients to eat less food and thus lose weight. This method is especially ideal for people who have not achieved sufficient results from other weight loss methods.

This method can help reduce health problems caused by excess weight and improve overall health. Being a more cost-effective option than other weight loss surgeries is another advantage of the gastric balloon. Patients should balance these advantages with potential risks and long-term weight management goals when making a decision about gastric balloon treatment.

How Much Are Gastric Balloon Prices?

Gastric balloon pricesIt is an issue that holds an important place among weight loss treatments and attracts the attention of many people. These prices vary depending on various factors. Gastric balloon prices, It usually varies according to the type of balloon used, the location of the health facility performing the procedure and the scope of services offered.

When considering gastric balloon treatment, it is important for patients to consider factors such as the effectiveness, safety and long-term results of the procedure, as well as the cost. Gastric balloon prices Contact us for accurate and up-to-date information.

Contact us for a free preliminary consultation on gastric balloon application.

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