Thread Face Lift

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Face lift with threadis a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure and is known for its rejuvenating effects. This method is based on the placement of specially designed thin threads under the skin to increase skin firmness and reduce fine lines and sagging on the face.

During the procedure, threads placed under the skin under local anesthesia create a natural lifting effect, giving the face a younger and more dynamic appearance.

French hanger methodis usually applied in areas such as the central area of the face, eyebrows, cheeks and jawline. The threads stimulate collagen production under the skin over time, which helps the skin become firmer and more elastic.

The duration of the operation is usually short and the healing process is faster than other surgical facelift methods. French hanger processoffers an effective alternative for individuals who desire facial rejuvenation without the need for surgical intervention.

Which Areas Is French Hanger Applied?

French hanger processcan be applied to various areas of the face and offers rejuvenating effects. This minimally invasive method specifically targets sagging in the middle and lower part of the face. The most commonly treated areas include the eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, jawline and neck.

When applied to the brow and forehead area, it helps to lift the eyebrows and reduce wrinkles on the forehead. When applied to the cheeks, it makes the cheeks look fuller, defines facial contours and creates a lifting effect on the nasolabial folds (the lines extending from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth).

When applied to the jawline and neck area, it contributes to a sharper jawline and a tight neck appearance by reducing sagging in these areas.

French hanger methodBy providing a natural face lift with threads placed under the skin, it carries less risk compared to surgical intervention and the healing process is faster. This method is especially ideal for individuals who do not want to undergo surgery but are looking for a rejuvenating effect on their face.


How is Thread Face Lift Procedure Performed?

Thread face lift procedureis performed under local anesthesia by placing thin, absorbable threads under the skin. The threads are passed under the skin with the help of special needles and a slight lift is applied to the desired area, creating a lifting and tightening effect on the face. After the procedure, the threads provide a natural rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production under the skin over time. Since this method is minimally invasive, the patient's recovery period is short and comfortable.

Click on the link for a free preliminary consultation about the French sling procedure.

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Is it Effective for All Skin Types? 

Thread face lift procedurehas a wide range that can be effective on various skin types. However, the effectiveness of the procedure may vary depending on the individual's skin quality, degree of aging and skin elasticity. After a detailed evaluation, a specialized plastic surgeon or dermatologist can determine whether the procedure is suitable for each patient's unique skin structure and needs. This is critical for achieving healthy and natural-looking results.

What Should Be Considered After French Strap?

After the French sling procedurePatients are advised to take a few precautions to achieve the best results and speed up the healing process. For the first few days after the procedure, it is important to avoid heavy physical activity, not to put unnecessary pressure on your face and not to overuse your facial expressions. Also, avoiding direct sunlight and using sunscreen to protect the treated area contributes to the healing process.

Following the care instructions and follow-up appointments recommended by your doctor after the procedure is important for a healthy and successful recovery process.

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